Monday, September 25, 2006

Words to Live By

First of all a pretty rose from the gardens outside of the villa.

One of the interesting aspects of living in a big house with 43 college students is that I get to hear every possible excuse for not getting to your class on time when you have to walk less than 150 feet to get there and not going up to their rooms when curfew arrives. The one excuse that I have great difficulty understanding is why one must leave their room after midnight (our deadline to be in your rooms and be quiet) so that said student can pick up my laundry (that a dear sweet Paola washed for them and folded) because said student has not had the opportunity during the six hours that the clean laundry has been sitting stacked 60 feet from where said student has been eating, playing cards, studying, planning free travel, working on a computer, and having a leisurely tea time. In that entire six hours, these young adults have not had 4 free minutes to walk into another room in the same house and pick up their clean panties. So, as of this very evening, a new motto has risen from the depths of my profound wisdom: “Think about your panties before midnight.” If you thing about it, those five words can serve as advice for many situations. It is going into the quote Hall of Fame right beside the clinic dress code: “No cleavage, gapage, or crackage.”

The fun news is Mona, Robbie and I are going to fly to some small town in Germany and tour around a bit. Robbie has some small town places with big name art that he wants to see. We are flying on Ryan Air with a return trip of 1 cent Euro (plus tax). Very inexpensive flight. So we are renting a car and driving around. We arrive back in Pisa at 6ish in the evening and Reagan arrived a little earlier that same afternoon.

One of the very cool things about the HUF director is that he is a phenomenon at networking with the Italian people. He found a group call Tourist University Agency and has arranged for our students (and me) to test drive their new package of stuff. It includes a cell phone with 5 Euro of credit and more can be added, a discount card that works at many eating places and shops around the city, a coupon book that has two free meals, a free t-shirt and tons of other stuff, and the ability to deposit money into a bank that you can access through a debit card with only a deposit fee of three Euro (each time you deposit so they suggest you deposit up to 500 Euro) and no fee for any withdrawal. You can even link your parents to the debit card so that they can deposit money for the student and the student have access to the money within one minute. One of the best parts is that they are arranging for us to go and walk through the Vasari Corridor (walkway above the shops of the Ponte Vecchio). It is one of the hardest places to visit in Florence with weird times that they allow the public to view it.

We have had two quiet days of classes and tomorrow after class we go to the Tuscan American Association Welcome Day Party (because of Robbie’s networking).

And let me conclude by simply noting: October 3—GRAPE HARVEST!!!!


At 5:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i think i need "think about your panties before midnight" stitched into an apron or pillow or something.

At 9:49 PM, Blogger Artist-Tim said...

Yeah, Jack, I'm already cutting the first CD of the tune, "Think about your panties before midnight."

"In the morning, they're out my pants leg, midst the breakfast line." "It's a glorious sight down under, PANTIES are their name."
"Sing the chorus, shout it loudly, echoing through the villa. My panties came off before midnight, and I can't get them off my mind."
It just "cracks me up."
Does Italy have snow skiing during the Thanksgiving week? How can I check that out?
Oh, Gene is on the card in a loose sort of way. Your pictures were real blurry, so I took liberties to just get it over with. You'll see soon enough.

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Tammie's Thoughts said...

I was going to say "enough said" when Tim was telling me about the song he was writing and posting until I saw where he was asking about skiing in Italy during Thanksgiving! I asked him what makes him think he is invited...there's not any snow in southern Italy anyway!

Beautiful rose by the way.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger DCT said...

"Think About Your Panties Before Midnight!" What a concept! This may be the defining moment of HUF 2006. Enjoy your trip with Robbie and Mona. I can think of noone better to explore Italy (and Europe) with (forgive the grammar error).

At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay for funny friends! the panties song goes well with my sweatpants penalty for crack showing, i think. what an interesting semester you're having! my mom would probably identify with the slip one, too, if you know her story.

At 1:11 PM, Blogger DCT said...

I'm sure the Weave will get you for that one Dr. Shock!!!

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

jrs, you are cracking me up!!

i think you should make a song about the slip. it should be a duet that mom and debbie can sing together.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 2:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 5:17 PM, Blogger BW said...

Oh no, you did not pull that slip card out. Talk about picking at scabs that had long been healed. Now the wound is reopend.

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This crew can never let anything pass, talk about an elephants memory! Tim's song is a hoot. Hope you have a great time in Germany panties and all! Love to Robbie and Mona...hug for Jon

At 8:51 PM, Blogger Tammie's Thoughts said...

I had a nice visit in Searcy today at the lecturships. Macky was kind enough to come and smile for me while I spoke since you weren't there for me, Beckie. I saw lots of other people I love. I tried to see Jack
Shock, but he was not in his office. Of course, I was not surprised-he's hardly ever in there when I'm around. I did get to see Dan and sweet Brenda in the office and the newly 60 year old Mike James (boy, that sounds older than it looks or feels, doesn't it?!?). I saw Wil for a while, too. And Dana Evans. She's about to move to Kuwait and she and Bob are both going to work as civilians there for a while! I got to hug on Mrs. O and Marie and several other AWH ladies. All in all, it was a very good day! but I did miss you Rebecca Jane!

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

WOW! You have 16 about a comment hog!! Can you tell how we hang on your every word from Italy. Yes, the 5 Greens here in Texas have no life and have to check your blog to get our laughs! Can't wait to hear you sing the "Panty Alma Mater" at Easter. We will miss seeing your smiling face at Homecoming, but you must eat something rich and tasty for all 5 of us!! Much love!!

At 5:28 AM, Blogger Kelsey said...

Ryan Air = AMAZING. What a life saver. Especially when the exchange rate is so horrid.

I LOVED Italy, as well, now I'm jealous. Dangit. I want to go back, around - oh - now.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Lyn said...

beckie weaver- i'm so jealous. not only to you have a song about your underpants at midnight, but you're in one my most favorite places i've never been to.

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Rushton said...

Just to make it 20.

Oh, and I know a song about "spackle that crack" in case anyone wants to sing to your plumber.


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