Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Fashion Smashion

Do you think we could convince the fashion designers of the world that it would look good to wear either those big flappy, tent-like things that the Middle Eastern people wear or maybe the Polynesian muumuus? I would like that. Waistbands are over-rated.


At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's got my vote. Then we could indulge ourselves at every Sheridan's or Marble Slab or Cold Stone Creamery or if we are in Italy, every Gelatateria and no one could tell the difference! And we could do pastry day every other day that we don't do ice cream day! OOOOOOHHHHH!!! I get goose bumps just thinking about how wonderful that could be!

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Jenn said...

I'm with you both on the mumu dresses...After I put the girls to bed the other night, I put one on and Aaron wanted to put me and the mumu in the trash....they are so comfortable!!! Who wants to wear something on their waist anyway? I ate almost half a gallon of Blue Bell homemade vanilla last's not the really great stuff from Italy, but it will do in a pinch!

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Rushton said...

an unrelated but funny visual...When Scott was in high school the cheerleaders dressed him in a tutu for a pep rally. He said it should have at least been called a threethree. I think there is a pic in the 74 SHS Lion.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger :: reiynscape :: said...

Hi Reagan's Mom!!!

I like the long drapey styles of middle eastern female attire. They are quite slimming as well...added bonus.

I will not wear a mumu. Frell that.


At 10:48 AM, Blogger Jenn said...

For any one that says that they will never wear a mumu....wait until you are 8 months pregnant in the summer, in Texas, and you WILL change your mind. Mumus are the best! (For now anyway, in a few more months, they are totally out! That comment was for Jess)


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